Evan Langle

Ringmaster / Marquis de Sade

"This show allows the viewer to safely step inside the mind of this particular Arab woman, and experience her raw and blunt truth. A truth that breaks stereotypes and sheds light on the struggles and ideologies that many Arab women today have to face and in this particular case, overcome."

Elmira Rahim

Joumana One (Fringe Festival - Encore)

"Being born and raised in Iran, I have encountered some of the most inspiring and admirable women of my life in my country. It has been a great passion of mine as an Iranian actor to do more justice in sharing stories of Middle Eastern women.  I am honored to be a part of a piece that paints a more complicated picture full of love, pain, fear and empowerment."

Cynthia Yelle

Joumana One

"This is an unconventional set up of a play with a story that the western world need be aware of. Before someone judges an Arab woman, they should be informed & educated about the different countries of the Middle East & the different regions in Lebanon itself. I believe this play is a motivator for people to start the research at least."

Nadia El-Tawansy

Joumana Two (Fringe Festival)

"As a white woman I've often heard people speaking freely about their beliefs and misconceptions of Arab women not realizing I, myself, am Arab. In being acutely aware of how underrepresented and misunderstood the women of my culture are I couldn't pass up the opportunity to participate in the reeducation of society through performance art."

Katy Marcella

Joumana Two

"I am very excited to work on a brand new piece of theatre adapted from an incredibly inspiring story that celebrates a bold and fearless female spirit. Come see this play because it will dare you to stop and ask yourself, "Why the hell not'""

Gamon Quinn

Joumana Three

"This show is inspiring to me being a woman of this time in history. Gender stereotypes and prejudice have proven to create barriers in many cultures, this story emphasizes language that is revolutionary. I believe this script and the art forms that intertwine will encourage discussions of intercultural communication"

Angel Lewis

Joumana Four

"I wanted to be a part of the production, because of how striking the script was. It enchanted me and reflected parts of lives that pertain to, not only Arab women, but women period--as well as other nationalities. It's a play for all." 

Sandy Rather

Joumana Four (Fringe Festival)

"This show brings an empowered voice to Arab women and to all women as the shackles of stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, and inequality are broken. I'm proud to share this story and I hope it brings enlightenment to all its listeners" 

Tiffany Badie

Joumana Five

"The moment I heard the words "confessions and woman" together in the same sentence, I knew I had to be involved in this production. I feel so honored and grateful that I get to be a part of a movement that gives a voice to those, who for whatever reason, are unable to speak up and fight for their basic rights, regardless of gender, nationality, etc. How awesome it is to do this through theater!" 

Alexandra Olson


"I admit that I used to hold some of the same misconceptions that my character does about women in Arab culture. I am grateful to have been exposed to a new and meaningful perspective, in reading and bringing to life "Confessions of an Arab Woman", and very honored to be a part of sharing it with those who come see the show."

Brenda Salas

Scheherazade / Joumana Six

"I wanted to be involved in this project because of the realness and strong sense of self empowerment I got from reading Joumana's book. The book/play is such a powerful piece about expression, freedom and self liberation. Something we all could use a little more of."

Deniz Kara


"I remember experiencing a variety of emotions when I was reading the script. I felt inner peace because I felt UNDERSTOOD. "Confessions of an Arab Woman" is a very touching, inspiring and strong piece.  I believe that each one of us can relate to it in different ways...I'm truly honored to have become a part of the team." 

Gilbert Reynoso


"This play does not only introduce the struggle of Arab women and women in general. It also shows the role that the men in her life play and its importance in supporting her"

Tania J. Ayoub


"As an Arab-American woman, I can connect to this play and the expectations that the Arab community has on women and the misconceptions the rest of the world has on Arabs. When I was given the opportunity to be part of this production, I jumped at the chance because this play has such a powerful message, and I want to help spread that message! This story has an important point that it makes about acceptance, ignorance, and equality, and my hope is that it will open up people's eyes and minds to the types of prejudice that certain people all over the world have."

Taylor Solomon


"There's never been a better time than now to help tell the story of a woman who broke boundaries and did what everyone in her culture said she couldn't- speak her mind.
Come see this show because it is really a play that speaks to everyone. Man or woman. It is relatable and it is important."